School Tours are held for parents, carers and children who are considering Year 7 enrolment and are aligned to the Year 6 to Year 7 transition timeline.

Dedicated tours are scheduled for families of students who attend our main feeder primary schools. These tours will be advertised and places reserved via the feeder primary schools (91¾«Æ· East PS, 91¾«Æ· North PS, 91¾«Æ· North West PS, 91¾«Æ· South Primary, 91¾«Æ· South West PS, Coburg West PS, Merri-Bek PS, Moonee Ponds PS and Princes Hill PS).

School Tours are held on selected dates during Term 1 prior to the closing date for Year 7 enrolment (usually the first week in May).

There are currently no further School Tours scheduled for 2024.

Details of 2025 tours will be updated to this page at the beginning of the school year.

Please note, that from 2023 the BSC enrolment parameters have been restricted to those living within the school’s catchment area, siblings of current students and a very limited number of compassionate placements.  If you are unsure of your eligibility to apply for BSC enrolment, please refer to  

Extensive transition information can be found on this site under the Enrolment tab, and information around learning pathways, including curriculum, devices & technology is described on this site under the Learning tab.

To experience some of what our school has to offer, prospective students and families are very welcome attend public school events during the school year. These include the school’s Senior Production (July), Twilight Market (October), Art & Design Exhibition (November) and Film Festival (November). These events not only showcase the teaching and learning pathways that BSC offers but also allow families to experience BSC’s vibrant community and to witness the values that BSC champions.

These events are included on the website Events calendar and will provide opportunity to speak to community members including staff, students, parents and carers who can share their experiences with you.

Additionally,  the school’s Instagram feed can provide a more informal insight into daily life at BSC.